April, 2009 | Infectious Disease Specialist - Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

Archive for April, 2009


Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

1.Swine influenza has now spread to 5 states.The largest number in a single state has been 28 in a school in Queens-New York City.No one in the USA has died-only 1 patient has been hospitalized.

2.World Health Organization(WHO) has raised the pandemic level to Phase 4.This signifies human to human transmission and ability to sustain community wide outbreaks.

3.Cases have now been reported in many part of the world including Spain,Scotland,Canada(6),New Zealand and Israel.

4.Disease seems more severe in Mexico where 152 have died. Complete information on these deaths is not available at this time.

5.The European Union Health Commissioner has suggested that travelers from Europe avoid non-essential travel to Mexico and parts of the United States.

6.Many governments are instituting screening on travelers who are returning from endemic areas.


Monday, April 27th, 2009

SHADES OF 1976-THE SWINE FLU RETURNS.-Beginning in March of 2009-cases of Influenza -like illness (ILI) began appearing in Mexico.To date approximately 1600 cases have been reported. Whether all of these represent the new new Swine Flu strain is unclear at this point.Of the Mexican cases-18 have been laboratory confirmed as Swine Influenza A/HINI.12 /18 are identical to strains isolated in California.Appoximately 20 cases have been reported in the United States–at least 8 have been positively confirmed as Swine A/HINI.Cases so far reported are from California (San Diego and Imperial counties) and Texas (Guadalupe county) and New York City.It is not clear at this time if the symptoms are substantially different from usual seasonal Influenza.

The following recommendations are made at this time:

      1.Clinicians should consider swine influenza infection in patients with febrile respiratory illnesses who have traveled to Mexico or to the areas in the United States where the disease has been reported

      2.Symptoms seen in these individuals  may include:Fever greater than 100.0 degrees F.,sore throat,cough,stuffy nose,chills,headache and body aches, and fatigue.

     3.Individuals traveling to epidemic areas should be advised of the risk and consider this in their travel plans.

     4.Fortunately the Swine Influenza strain is full susceptible to Tamiflu and Relenza.

     5.The relative severity and extent of communicability and spread throughout the world is unclear at this moment.

     6.The United States Government has declared a Public Health Emergency

     7.Partial Protection is provided by current influenza vaccines.

     8.If clinicians encounter suspect cases in Mississippi with the above listed symptoms(app travel exposure and app. symptoms) please obtain a nasopharyngeal swab–place in viral transport media and refrigerate and call Mississippi Dept of Health 601-576-7725 during normal working hours or 601-576-7400 after hours for specific instructions regarding transport of the specimen to the State Labororatory.

For additional information go to.




Mississippi Dept of Health Web-Site–No cases yet in Mississippi


For additional questions or advice to specific travelers regarding specific destinations. Please contact us at


David L. Smith M.D. 4/27/2009 11:30 A.M.

1040 River Oaks Drive, Ste 303
Flowood, MS 39232

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fax: 601.936.6150
email: info@cide.ms

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