MRSA Clinic of Mississippi | Infectious Disease Specialist - Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

MRSA Clinic of Mississippi

The Clinic was formed as a separate entity in 2008 in recognition of the epidemic of resistant staphylococci sweeping the country. Dr. Smith has over 30 years experience in the prevention , diagnosis and treatment of staphylococcal illnesses. The Clinic’s  services can be summarized as follows:

  • Patient Care Related Services
    Physician or patient referred individuals suffering from staphylococcal illnesses either in an ambulatory or hospitalized environment.
  • Physician Services
    The Center has initiated a number of novel programs to aid physicians especially surgeons, or ob-gyn physicians who are experiencing staphylococcal infections in their practice.
  • Institutional Services
    Consultative and or epidemiological services to clinics, nursing homes, surgicenters and hospitals who are experiencing increasing numbers of resistant staphylococcal infections.

1040 River Oaks Drive, Ste 303
Flowood, MS 39232

tel: 601.936.0706
fax: 601.936.6150

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    ©2009 Center of Infectious Disease Excellence at River Oaks

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